Sophometrics — planning

"Doug's contribution to our North Bay master planning effort has been both practical and forward looking. He has provided advice and analysis that will help make the project successful and urged us to consider innovative, cutting-edge possibilities as well."

Mark Griffin, Real Estate Development Manager
Port of Seattle Real Estate Division

Sophometrics works with planners and designers on a wide range of projects: from an 800 square foot room for experimental technology to a 300 acre site supporting a university, commercial, and residential space slated for a twenty-year build-out.

We know that effective planning can save money and time. Sophometrics also believes that the value of place, that is, the quality of the connection between space and function, is substantially influenced by improving the connection between planning and implementation.


  • Planning for campus-scale power and communication utility systems
  • Planning for energy-wise utility systems
  • Description of effective integrated utility structures
  • Optimization of the flexibility/cost equation for energy delivery systems
  • Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) concerning energy and energy utilities


  • Eco charrettes
  • Sustainable design strategies
  • Corporate environmental (energy) strategic planning
  • Energy-focused training programs
  • Alternative energy market research